enhance Physio
gla:d program

What is gla:d australia?
GLA:D®, Good Life with osteoArthritis: Denmark, is an education and exercise program developed by researchers in Denmark for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis symptoms. Osteoarthritis is the reduction in the ability to repair and restore cartilage due to biomechanics and biochemical processes.
Osteoarthritis (OA) affects millions of people across Australia preventing them from being active and doing the things they love. OA is the most common lifestyle condition affecting individuals 65 year of age and older, but can also affect those as young as 30.
Current national and international clinical guidelines recommend first line treatment for Osteoarthritis to be patient education, exercise and weight loss. The GLA:D Australia program offers the best program focusing on education and exercise.
our gla:d PROGRAM
step 1
Initial assessment from our Enhance Physiotherapists to assess baselines.
step 2
2 x 60-90 minute educational talks held by our Enhance Physiotherapists.
step 3
exercise sessions
2 x Exercise sessions per week for 6 weeks facilitated by our Enhance Physiotherapists.
step 4
You will have a 3 month follow up with our Enhance Physiotherapists.
MEET THE PROGRAM facilitators
josh sharpe
Josh and Jordan have a keen interest in the GLA:D program where they utilise the evidence-based program for treatment and management of osteoarthritis symptoms.
We facilitate the program from our Applecross clinic and have various class times throughout the week for you to choose from. We look forward to starting your journey towards treating and managing your osteoarthritis symptoms.
jordan podesta
Research from the GLA:D® Denmark found that patient reported symptoms reduced by 32% after partaking in the program. Other favourable outcomes included less pain, reduced use of pain killers, and less sick leave from work. GLA:D® participants also reported high levels of satisfaction with the program and increased their overall levels of physical activity 12 months after starting the program.
This program is unique in that the education and exercises provided and can be applied to everyday activities. By strengthening and correcting daily movement patterns, participants will train their bodies to move efficiently, prevent symptom progression and reduce their pain.
The GLA:D program is an eight-week intervention and includes education and exercise, based on the latest evidence based research in osteoarthritis.
The program is supervised by a certified GLA:D Physiotherapist at Enhance Physiotherapy, with the goal to help patients self-manage their OA symptoms.
GLA:D® Australia Program consists of the initial appointment explaining the program and assessing to get your starting baseline functional ability. Followed by two education sessions where you will learn about OA, how the GLA:D intervention improves joint stability and can reduce symptoms.
We will then work with you twice a week over six weeks to complete exercise classes and improve muscle control of the joint. A follow up appointment will be made for three months post program completion to check in and see how the self-management of OA is progressing.
GLA:D® Australia is a program for all individuals who experience any hip and/or knee osteoarthritis symptoms, regardless of severity or x-ray reports. You may participate in the GLA:D® Australia program if you have a hip or knee joint problem that resulted in visiting a health care provider.
You may not be eligible to participate in the GLA:D® Australia program if you have other sources of knee pain including; tumor, inflammatory joint disease, result of hip fracture, soft tissue or connective tissue problems. If you have queries in regards to the eligibility criteria please contact one of our friendly reception staff on #9583 5165 for more information.
You do not need a referral from your Doctor to partake in the GLA:D program. However you may be eligible for a rebate from Medicare for some of the cost of the program, if deemed appropriate by your GP.