enhance Physio
Home Visits

Enhance Physiotherapy is pleased to offer services in your home or office. Sometimes getting to us may be too difficult or you are in too much pain to drive to one of our clinics. Don’t worry we have taken that stress away from you and like everything we do, we are here to provide the best for you.
Our amazing team of Physiotherapists, Massage Therapists and Exercise Physiologists bring the same in clinic quality service to your home. We offer post-operative care, assessments of your home office, and every service we provide in clinic, we take to you. If it’s too hard, or you have too much going on, or you are suffering from a compromised immune system following cancer treatments and the risk of coming out is too great we come to you.
Home Services offered (and not limited to):
- Physiotherapy manual treatments (we supply a treatment bed, and all the goodies that goes with having a physiotherapy session)
- Falls prevention and balance exercises
- Remedial massage
- Post-operative rehabilitation exercises and strengthening
- Improving mobility and fitness
- Chest physio
- Arthritis treatment
- Rehabilitation post stroke
- Mobility exercises
- Strength retraining
- Prescription of walking aids
- Home office set up assessment and solutions
Our amazing team will help you or your loved one to remain independent and living their best life by coming to the home and offering the quality services Enhance Physiotherapy is renowned for.
You do not need a GP referral for a home visit and like most physiotherapy services you can make a claim through your private health fund depending on your level of cover. Please check with your private health insurance provider. Simply call us on 9583 5165 to book your home visit.