Exercise and Cold Weather

Exercise and the Cold Weather these words excite few people in this world.

I love the freshness in the morning, the smell of the burnt out fires in fireplaces and the stillness of the world at 4:30am. Nothing is better than watching the sun’s rising glow spread across the eastern skyline….in my dreams…..the harsh reality of winter is the sound of your alarm going off, hitting snoozing and diving deeper under your warm doona wishing you did not have to get up and someone could bring u a coffee in bed!

The reality is that finding the time and motivation to exercise is hard at the best of times – in winter it is even harder.

At Enhance Physiotherapy we believe exercise will lead you to a better version of you, so here’s some tips to follow to try stay motivated in the cold winter months so that in spring we aren’t all battling to get our hibernation layers off and a bikini body back.

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Ice Hockey

As some of you may already know, I am an ice hockey fanatic! I grew up in Canada and spent most of my childhood at the local ice rink or the frozen pond down the street figure skating or watching my older brothers play ice hockey. Due to a heavy influence from my brothers and my dad, I didn’t have much of a choice and was basically born as a diehard Toronto Maple Leafs fan. Canadians are absolutely crazy about their hockey and rivalries between teams run deep; just like Australians and their Aussie rules.

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ACL Rehabilitation Journey

We all make our New Years Resolutions going into a new year and mine was to not only return to playing soccer, but also to try a new sport or activity. So, I’ve decided to start boxing once I am fit enough.

I am now 9 and a half months post ACL reconstruction on my right knee. With the help and support of my Enhance Physiotherapy colleagues, my recovery has come along quite smoothly.

Since my last blog, I have begun long distance running and sprinting again. I am also currently working on improving both my speed and endurance levels, as I have noticed a considerable decrease in my cardiovascular fitness since my surgery.

In December, I returned back to the gym to continue increasing my strength while also introducing dynamic, plyometric exercises to my body.

Plyometric exercises or “jump training” involves explosive and rapid movements that help improve power, strength, balance and agility.

My current ACL rehabilitation program includes:

  • 200m sprints
  • weighted squats
  • weighted walking lunges
  • box jumps
  • single leg stride hops

Each day, my knee feels stronger and fitter. The combination of the jumping exercises and sprinting have helped me on my rehabilitation journey in improving my confidence both mentally and physically.

The next stage of my ACL rehabilitation will be to start introducing sport specific training, with the hopes of returning to soccer competition in the upcoming months.

Stay tuned……

ACL Rehabilitiation sprints
ACL Rehabilitiation sprints
ACL Rehabilitiation Box Jumps
ACL Rehabilitation Box Jumps
ACL Rehabilitation Box Jumps
ACL Rehabilitation Box Jumps