Exercise and the Cold Weather these words excite few people in this world.

I love the freshness in the morning, the smell of the burnt out fires in fireplaces and the stillness of the world at 4:30am. Nothing is better than watching the sun’s rising glow spread across the eastern skyline….in my dreams…..the harsh reality of winter is the sound of your alarm going off, hitting snoozing and diving deeper under your warm doona wishing you did not have to get up and someone could bring u a coffee in bed!

The reality is that finding the time and motivation to exercise is hard at the best of times – in winter it is even harder.

At Enhance Physiotherapy we believe exercise will lead you to a better version of you, so here’s some tips to follow to try stay motivated in the cold winter months so that in spring we aren’t all battling to get our hibernation layers off and a bikini body back.

1. Train with a buddy – when you train with someone it’s make you more accountable and less likely to cancel because you know they set an alarm and got up.

2. Train for a goal – the city to surf is coming up and have 4km, 12km and 21km walk or running sections to suit everyone of any fitness – don’t make it a competition make it a challenge for yourself. Register at www.perthcitytosurf.com and check out this website for tips on couch to 5k www.coolrunning.com

3. Join a sports group – playing in a group is fun, motivating and you can make lots of new friends.

4. Get off the bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way to work.

5. Adopt a dog – they need walking daily and it’s motivating when they are looking at you with those big brown eyes.

At Enhance Physiotherapy we can offer you a running shoe check, stretching techniques to keep those niggles at bay, taping options to keep you moving, Pilates classes to help with stretching and core stability strengthening to maintain the best of you and any sports or general advice.


1. Train with a buddy – when you train with someone it’s make you more accountable and less likely to cancel because you know they set an alarm and got up.

2. Train for a goal – the city to surf is coming up and have 4km, 12km and 21km walk or running sections to suit everyone of any fitness – don’t make it a competition make it a challenge for yourself. Register at www.perthcitytosurf.com and check out this website for tips on couch to 5k www.coolrunning.com

3. Join a sports group – playing in a group is fun, motivating and you can make lots of new friends.

4. Get off the bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way to work.

5. Adopt a dog – they need walking daily and it’s motivating when they are looking at you with those big brown eyes.

At Enhance Physiotherapy we can offer you a running shoe check, stretching techniques to keep those niggles at bay, taping options to keep you moving, Pilates classes to help with stretching and core stability strengthening to maintain the best of you and any sports or general advice.


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